Fall Festival Button Contest
Would you like to win $100??? Do you have an idea for a design for this year’s Fall Festival? The form for 2025 Clearwater Fall Festival is attached.
Clearwater Fall Festival Button Design & Theme Contest Rules:
Theme: No Place Like Home
- All designs must be submitted with the artist’s name, address and contact information.
- Design is to be crafted within the 6-inch circle on the back of this flyer. Please use no more than 3 colors in your design.
- Design is to be created with the theme listed at the bottom of the previous page in mind.
- This year is the 40th Annual Fall Festival. The first Fall Festival was in 1985.
- All artistic design elements must be the original work of the submitter.
- The year 2025 must be in the design.
- The winning design will be decided by the Clearwater Fall Festival Committee on May 19, 2025.
- The winning designer will receive a $100 prize and will have their button design produced as an official part of the 2025 Clearwater Fall Festival.
- Please submit your design(s) no later than May 16, 2025 at 12:00 PM, to the Clearwater City Hall, 129 E Ross. Submissions may be placed in the drop box on the East side of the building.
- Submissions may be made electronically to fallfestival@clearwaterks.org.
- Acceptable electronic formats of submission may include .PDF, .TIF, .JPEG, .GIF, .BMP or .PNG. Submitted design files may include .SVG OR .DXF format with a submission in one of the previously listed formats.
*Your design will not be considered for the contest if it includes any of the following: Personal
identifiers such as names or business logos, inappropriate illustrations, or inappropriate wording.